Category: Climbing

Another boulder, another busted ego

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” –Henry Ford I love this quote and how it applies directly to climbing. Have I talked enough about the ego busting nature of climbing? How just when you think you’ve progressed you’re brought down a peg or two? It’s the challenge and beauty…

Focus – the mind and body connection

A very strange yet very real thing happened to me while climbing with Zeke at the Hive North Shore last week. I learned something – your mind is unbelievably powerful. Who knew? Well, I suppose some people have already learned that, but to experience it in real-time is well, kind of remarkable. What’s even more remarkable…

Climbing and the body image struggle

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ~Mahatma Gandhi This may be one of my most personal and scariest posts that I’ve written yet, but, it’s kind of urging me to get it out there. That’s one of the weird things about being a writer. You have all these…

Climbing in Portugal

  “Just breathe Kristi. Breathe.” I look down at my surroundings and try to focus on their peace-inducing beauty. I see the sun dousing the Portuguese countryside with its rays, giving it a dry and warm glow, I hear a dog barking off in the distance and I see a crumbling old farmhouse across the…

Fear – climbing your way through it

“Anything I’ve ever done that ultimately was worthwhile initially scared me to death.” ~Anonymous I have a pretty severe fear of heights. One time when I was on a road trip in the South West with my two friends we stopped in the Grand Canyon. My friend, who is a photographer, really wanted a photo…

Dealing with injuries – 6 tips to recovery

Conversation with the finger physiotherapist I visited after injuring my finger climbing this summer: Physio: So, tell me. How did you injure your finger? Me: Climbing Physio: Oh! Another climber. Of course. Me: So….when can I start climbing again? Physio: Climbers! You are ALL totally addicted! This pretty much sums up many a climber’s life.…

Learning to climb – 8 tips for beginners

“If your mind is empty, it is ready for anything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there are few.” ~Shunryu Suzuki As children we are used to constantly falling. Constantly failing. Constantly not being able to reach something, do something, be good at something. We roll with it and…